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Game Credits

The below are games I have worked on professionally. For game jam and school projects, click here

Imagine Español

& Imagine Language & Literacy

Dates: January 2021 - December 2022

Company: Imagine Learning

Job Title: Software Engineer

Click here to read more about Imagine Español on the Imagine Learning website. 

About the project:

Imagine Language & Literacy and it's Spanish language counterpart Imagine Español are gamified educational activities designed to teach children fundamental language skills. 

My role:

As a software engineer, I created two activities for Imagine Español (Vamos a Leer and an unreleased activity) in Unity Playmaker. I also created multiple code modules and tools in playmaker to make activity development more efficient by being able to easily implement common features such as reading books and drag-and-drop sorting. I also performed several bug fixes and helped QA many activities throughout both Imagine Learning products. 


Dates: May 2020 - July 2020

Company: Tevora

Job Title: Developing Consultant Intern

Click here to read more about the project. 

About the project:

A project that I worked on during the first half of my summer internship at Tevora, and which I received permission to use as a portfolio piece. Ephishint was a 3D stealth game meant to accompany another project for companies to use as a tool for teaching social engineering and good security practices by playing as a would-be attacker. Sadly, the project was cancelled halfway through my internship but it was an incredibly valuable experience and I am very proud of the work I did. 

My Role:

I was the sole programmer on the game. I helped to design and did all the implementing for new features. I programmed for player movement and abilities, physics and object interaction, animation, UI, AI. 

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